a next generation animation studio

  • modeling Desmond’s brownstone

    modeling Desmond’s brownstone

    Yeah.. i took a crack at Desmond’s brownstone and I think this is how i want to do all the environments. Blender all the way!

  • exploring creating environments in 3D

    exploring creating environments in 3D

    So after a few sketch sessions of Madison’s hallway and being introduced to Storyboarder, I’ve started to seriously consider building the environments in 3D.. i like that i can block out the scene and drop a few camera in for getting shots without redraws. here’s the first pass at Madison’s hallway in 3D

  • mocking up Madison’s hallway

    mocking up Madison’s hallway

    to plan for the shots i’m mocking the hallway up

  • a test cut..

    I knew i’d need to at some point bring my media into a video editor, but i’d initially assumed I’d used Final Cut Pro, because I have the most experience with it. Today it hit me that, instead I should consider Blender’s built-in Video Editor. No it’s not the most robust solution, but it’s free…

  • Meet Fifth

    Check out Fifth’s character page

  • Meet Madison

    Check out Madison’s character page

  • Meet Jetta

    Meet Jetta

    Check out Jetta’s character page

  • Meet Desmond

    Meet Desmond

    Check out Desmond’s character page

  • hello world

    we are khaos, a collective of creatives with aspirations to create and produce animated content and digital art