Author: khaos
hello metahumans
face rigging..
continuing the journey of experimenting with rigging a 2D character.. below are a few outputs from my experiements
eye rig
this video is output from early experiment in building an eye rig
Madison’s Hallway – Blocking out opening shot
Fifth gets his first character sheet
experimenting with building the puppet directly in Blender
while i was quite comfortable in Adobe Animate drawing all the vector components of the puppet, but when it came time to get these assets out of Animate and into Blender for rigging, things weren’t so straight forward.. after experimenting with a few options, the best one i found was pulling the SVG into Illustrator,…
continuing to build the Madison puppet
building Madison’s puppet
now that we have a complete character sheet for Madison, i’m starting to build her puppet. i’m building this in Adobe Animated using a simple mirroring solution to help maintain symmetry and reduce redrawing
meet Madison
checkout Madison’s character page
modeling Desmond’s brownstone
Yeah.. i took a crack at Desmond’s brownstone and I think this is how i want to do all the environments. Blender all the way!