Author: khaos

  • god’s eye characters

    god’s eye characters

    this post is an update on the God’s Eye project. we’re starting to work on building out the characters in Moho. in the process of developing our automated solutions, we start with the manual process. this is the only way to truly know what is required to complete a task, but the reality is we…

  • getting blending…

    getting blending…

    it seems like my switch to Blender continues to deliver value. while it’s a steep learning curve and comes with some of the inherent issues of Blender’s UX and established workflows, i have been able to move closer to the prototype we’re working towards. at this point we want to integrate our engine services to…

  • How Apple gets to $4Tn

    How Apple gets to $4Tn

    In the world of technology and innovation, few companies have left an indelible mark quite like Apple. From the revolutionary introduction of the Macintosh in 1984, signaling the dawn of the personal computing era, to the game-changing launch of the iPhone in 2007, Apple has consistently pushed the boundaries of what technology can achieve. My…

  • screenplay to VSE

    screenplay to VSE

    here is a quick demo of a custom plugin that creates Scene objects in Blender VSE (Video Sequence Editor) using our structured screenplay JSON. in the screen recording i’m selecting the screenplay.json and the media directory where i have generated images and audio clips based on the same screenplay data. how we got here? The…

  • Pulpy Fictional: S1

    Pulpy Fictional: S1

    This is a VERY rough cut/preview from our project Pulpy Fictional‘s first scene. Pulpy Fictional is a fanart recreation of Pulp Fiction to exercise our components of our screenplay engine. Leveraging applied ML, screenplay analysis and software automation, we’re converting the Pulp Fiction screenplay to blocked out video. Here is the original segment of text…

  • Madison by DALL-E

    Madison by DALL-E

    below are a collection of images created using prompts generated from screenplay analysis. here we see shot’s of what DALL-E thinks Madison looks like as we attempt to describe the first scenes.

  • screenplay analyzers

    screenplay analyzers

    we’ve been building custom LLM-powered agents to perform a wide range of tasks and one of those is screenplay analysis. below are a few screenshots of log output from our agents as they are reading the screenplay text and extracting insights about the story, characters, location, dialogues and more.

  • Krew Chat

    Krew Chat

    here are screenshots from one of our local experiments where we are employing a team of agents (the Krew) to answer a simple question. the agents are built using crewai framework and have access to web search tool. they are also running 100% on local LLMs via Ollama

  • new logo

    new logo

    Andrew created our amazing new logo + i was inspired to animate it in blender

  • Screenplay to Audio

    Screenplay to Audio

    here’s an early demo of our screenplay-to-audio solution. this audio was generated from the Pulp Fiction screenplay