Category: Edits

  • getting blending…

    getting blending…

    it seems like my switch to Blender continues to deliver value. while it’s a steep learning curve and comes with some of the inherent issues of Blender’s UX and established workflows, i have been able to move closer to the prototype we’re working towards. at this point we want to integrate our engine services to…

  • screenplay to VSE

    screenplay to VSE

    here is a quick demo of a custom plugin that creates Scene objects in Blender VSE (Video Sequence Editor) using our structured screenplay JSON. in the screen recording i’m selecting the screenplay.json and the media directory where i have generated images and audio clips based on the same screenplay data. how we got here? The…

  • a test cut..

    I knew i’d need to at some point bring my media into a video editor, but i’d initially assumed I’d used Final Cut Pro, because I have the most experience with it. Today it hit me that, instead I should consider Blender’s built-in Video Editor. No it’s not the most robust solution, but it’s free…