Category: Characters

  • god’s eye characters

    god’s eye characters

    this post is an update on the God’s Eye project. we’re starting to work on building out the characters in Moho. in the process of developing our automated solutions, we start with the manual process. this is the only way to truly know what is required to complete a task, but the reality is we…

  • screenplay analyzers

    screenplay analyzers

    we’ve been building custom LLM-powered agents to perform a wide range of tasks and one of those is screenplay analysis. below are a few screenshots of log output from our agents as they are reading the screenplay text and extracting insights about the story, characters, location, dialogues and more.

  • Turtle Island TCC – Thumbnails

    Turtle Island TCC – Thumbnails

    here is first set of thumbnails for our 3 min interstitial in production. it’s written and acted by Tanya Young as introduction to the God’s Eye animated series. the artwork is by Naz Zerai a very talented artist and the first lead animator at the studio

  • hello metahumans

    hello metahumans

  • face rigging..

    face rigging..

    continuing the journey of experimenting with rigging a 2D character.. below are a few outputs from my experiements

  • Fifth gets his first character sheet

    Fifth gets his first character sheet

  • experimenting with building the puppet directly in Blender

    experimenting with building the puppet directly in Blender

    while i was quite comfortable in Adobe Animate drawing all the vector components of the puppet, but when it came time to get these assets out of Animate and into Blender for rigging, things weren’t so straight forward.. after experimenting with a few options, the best one i found was pulling the SVG into Illustrator,…

  • continuing to build the Madison puppet

    continuing to build the Madison puppet

  • building Madison’s puppet

    building Madison’s puppet

    now that we have a complete character sheet for Madison, i’m starting to build her puppet. i’m building this in Adobe Animated using a simple mirroring solution to help maintain symmetry and reduce redrawing

  • Meet Fifth

    Check out Fifth’s character page