Category: Animation

  • Every shot counts

    Every shot counts

    Why text-to-video AI has missed the expectations of storytelling creatives. As summer 2024 approaches, the AI gold rush has hit fever pitch. As I sit in a small coffee shop in Midtown Manhattan, typing away on my iPad, I overhear two colleagues discussing AI’s impact on their finance jobs, and the possibilities it will have…

  • god’s eye characters

    god’s eye characters

    this post is an update on the God’s Eye project. we’re starting to work on building out the characters in Moho. in the process of developing our automated solutions, we start with the manual process. this is the only way to truly know what is required to complete a task, but the reality is we…

  • Pulpy Fictional: S1

    Pulpy Fictional: S1

    This is a VERY rough cut/preview from our project Pulpy Fictional‘s first scene. Pulpy Fictional is a fanart recreation of Pulp Fiction to exercise our components of our screenplay engine. Leveraging applied ML, screenplay analysis and software automation, we’re converting the Pulp Fiction screenplay to blocked out video. Here is the original segment of text…

  • Turtle Island TCC  Update

    Turtle Island TCC Update

    Here we have another update for the God’s Eye project, in which we’re still using the original audio track, but now we’re blessed with the artwork of Naz. note: this is still very early preview as we are working through the project.

  • Turtle Island TCC – Thumbnails

    Turtle Island TCC – Thumbnails

    here is first set of thumbnails for our 3 min interstitial in production. it’s written and acted by Tanya Young as introduction to the God’s Eye animated series. the artwork is by Naz Zerai a very talented artist and the first lead animator at the studio

  • hello metahumans

    hello metahumans

  • face rigging..

    face rigging..

    continuing the journey of experimenting with rigging a 2D character.. below are a few outputs from my experiements

  • eye rig

    eye rig

    this video is output from early experiment in building an eye rig

  • Madison’s Hallway – Blocking out opening shot

    Madison’s Hallway – Blocking out opening shot