Category: AI

  • Every shot counts

    Every shot counts

    Why text-to-video AI has missed the expectations of storytelling creatives. As summer 2024 approaches, the AI gold rush has hit fever pitch. As I sit in a small coffee shop in Midtown Manhattan, typing away on my iPad, I overhear two colleagues discussing AI’s impact on their finance jobs, and the possibilities it will have…

  • screenplay to VSE

    screenplay to VSE

    here is a quick demo of a custom plugin that creates Scene objects in Blender VSE (Video Sequence Editor) using our structured screenplay JSON. in the screen recording i’m selecting the screenplay.json and the media directory where i have generated images and audio clips based on the same screenplay data. how we got here? The…

  • screenplay analyzers

    screenplay analyzers

    we’ve been building custom LLM-powered agents to perform a wide range of tasks and one of those is screenplay analysis. below are a few screenshots of log output from our agents as they are reading the screenplay text and extracting insights about the story, characters, location, dialogues and more.

  • Krew Chat

    Krew Chat

    here are screenshots from one of our local experiments where we are employing a team of agents (the Krew) to answer a simple question. the agents are built using crewai framework and have access to web search tool. they are also running 100% on local LLMs via Ollama